Important Notice to the Tanzanians Living in INDIA, BANGLADESH, NEPAL, SINGAPORE AND SRI LANKA
Tanzania High Commission, New Delhi wishes to inform all Tanzanians living in India, Singapore, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal, that the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has introduced a new type of passport (E-Passport). In this regard the current Machine-Readable Passports will continue to be in use until 31st January, 2020. The Mission therefore has now started to receive and process applications for new passports (E-Passports).
A new passport costs USD 90 payable in two stages as explained hereunder.
Applicants for the new passports are required to fill in an online application form available on this website or Tanzania Immigration website and attach the required documents as in the guidelines provided. After filling up the application form, you will be required to pay an application fee of 15 USD.
Your complete filled in application form with attached documents should be sent by e-mail to the Tanzania High Commission, New Delhi. The High Commission will then check your application and issue a control number which will be sent back to you to allow you to make another payment of 75 USD.
All Applicants must appear in person at the Tanzania High Commission, New Delhi for Finger Prints / Signatures and Photographs. Click here for guidelines on filling up the application form.
The Mission also introduce electronic service for Emergency Travel Document for Tanzanians who lost their passports living in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Singapore and Sri Lank can now fill in an Electronic Application Form available online (click here for online application form). After filling out the application form and attaching the required documents (click here for more information about documents needed for Emergency Travel Document’s application) you will be required to make a payment of 15 USD for application form fee.
Your complete filled in application form with attached documents should be sent by e-mail to the Tanzania High Commission, New Delhi through the following email address: The High Commission will then check your application and issue a control number which will be sent back to you to allow you to make another payment of 20 USD.
All Applicants must appear in person at the Tanzania High Commission, New Delhi with both their filled in application forms and required documents for Finger Prints / Signatures and Photographs.